Apologetics Society. Year 2002.


Apologetics Society

(first meeting)

November, 18, 2002


in February, 17, 2003



Purpose of the meeting:

  • To get acquainted
  • To set common grounds for cooperation in the field of Christian apologetics and cult research
  • To discuss possible forms of cooperation


1. Participants introduce themselves and describe their specific interests in the field of apologetics


2. Pasha: "Tasks of the modern apologetics organizations"

    a. Research (various forms and directions):

  • Modern situation: characteristics of groups, cults, doctrines and heresies
  • Fundamental analysis of specific heretical teachings and groups
  • Practical tips on how to maintain relationships with and to witness to the cultists
  • b. Teaching the basics of apologetics (aimed at specific groups):

  • Church, mission and ministry leaders
  • Church members as a whole
  • Young people
  • Non-believers or doubters
  • c.  Spreading the information (how to):

  • Preaching
  • Publishing, electronic, audio and video products
  • Training courses, conferences, correspondence education
  • Internet, radio and TV
  • Influence upon the denominational and public opinions
  • d. Joining forces:

  • Conferences — exchange of experience
  • Ongoing contacts on the practical level
  • Societies and organizations, small groups in churches
  • e. Practice:

  • Personal witnessing to the cultists
  • Mass events
  • Participation in denominational projects


3. Pasha: "Goals and tasks of the Apologetics Society"

  • To form public opinion regarding the cults
  • To help churches to resist the cults actively
  • To conduct joint research projects
  • To participate in apologetics training courses, to teach ministers and active church members
  • To unite various organizations for the purpose of effective countercult work and legal defense against the cults
  • To put theory into practice and to share in the each other's experience
  • To formulate a balanced approach to cult research

Conclusion: All participants agreed that the Apologetics Society is a necessity and expressed their desire to take steps towards the establishment of this Society.


4. Apologetics Society's Possible Activities:

    a. CfAR Contribution:

  • Foreign contacts
  • Overall coordination
  • Library
  • Internet access
  • Web presence
  • Publication of the existing materials in the CfAR periodicals
  • b. Possible activities:

  • 3 meetings a year to discuss new research projects and materials and to share the new experience
  • Pastors and missionaries should be invited to take part in the meetings as it will stimulate their interest towards apologetics
  • Joint presentations or research projects
  • Rehabilitation of the ex-cultists (helping churches), consultations

Conclusion: All participants will consider the suggested activities and the final decision will be made at the next meeting

It was suggested that we should view this meeting as preliminary to the first meeting of the Apologetics Society that will have to address the following issues:

  1. Definition of a cult (various approaches) — to work out a unified approach
  2. Personal testimony (Yuri Kondratyev, ex-LDS)
  3. To formulate the goals and tasks of the Apologetics Society, to finalize the name of the AS (Alliance, Brotherhood etc.)
  4. Next meeting will be held February 10 or 17, 2003

 GO TO THE NEXT MEETING in February, 17, 2003

Alexander Danilenko. Assistant pastor of the St.Pt. Bible Church - is interested in general apologetics and methods of witnessing to cultists.

Alexey Koblov. Student of the SPCU, has a big interest in apologetics and witnessing to JW's and Mormons

Father Alexander. Orthodox priest, oversees Sunday schools in the Eastern diocese of St.Pt. (He'd like every Orthodox parish to have at least one apologist.)

From left ro right: Sergey Neganov - Lutheran, was a HK for 7 years, is very active in apologetics. Stanislav Tampio - interested in the history of JW's, especially of the JW splinter groups in Russia

Vitaly Pitanov - Orthodox. Former occultist and leader of his own Roerich Center in St.Pt. Teaches apologetics and hosts a radio program on cults

Yuri Kondratyev - ex-Mormon, left the cult after a deatiled scrutiny of the Mormon and anti-Mormon arguments. Maintains two large websites exposing the errors of Mormonism

Oleg Gagarinov - ex-Local Church member, was there from the very beginning Russia. Assistant Pastor in a Pentecostal church, leader of the "Emmaus" correspondence Bible-study course; has a lot of contacts with the local Christian congregations and is interested in apologetics.