Camp Leaders conference

February 10-15, 2003

Our Center as a ministry provided four 1 hour lectures and one speech during one of the evenings main meeting.

Our main goals were:

  1. To present the sources of our Center for camp leaders
  2. To equip them with our materials
  3. To teach them how to prevent children from getting into cults

With the help of our sponsors we were able to prepare the sets of our materials for all participants, we included there:

  1. Video tape with 2 movies - JW's and JW's at your door
  2. Vestnik Special edition with request for subscription
  3. 8 booklets "For dangers of JW's"
  4. 2 booklets "Facts about JW's"
  5. CD with all CfAR materials (plus our audio lectures and radio programs about cults)


On the third day of conference we were able shortly present our ministry and give this presents to all camp leaders. (Some participants were from the same church or camp, so we asked to take only one for the camp)

All people were very thankful for our materials and some of them said that before they didn't pay attention to this topic, but they will after our short presentation. It's hard to explain how glad they were to have such presents - very helpful and attractive materials: video, CD, booklets, and Newspaper.

We also had a possibility to teach some of the leaders. Unfortunately it was first time and many people didn't know what could be on our section and only 11 people participated. (It was prohibit in the interest of education to change the courses in the middle, but those who saw our courses later were sad, that missed it. I'm sure, that in future we would have more people on the lectures. Plus on this conference were 26 courses together, so usually lectures had 10-15 people on them.) On this lectures we established one very principal contact with Riga, which could help us, I hope, in future Vestnik distribution. Christians from Riga wanted to do distribution by themselves among Pentecostal and Baptist union churches - we would need only to send them set our Vestnik.

This is not the best picture - it's final test, we had 14 people on it. And after we finished course organizators of this conference thanked us for this courses, cause they had very positive respond from camp leaders about it. So in future we were asked to participate more on such conferences.

Additionally I want to say special thanks to our sponsor who make happened a good presents for camp leaders, it was rather expensive for all 300 participant, but very practical and useful, so many people tells me that it was right what they wanted to have about cults - movies, attractive booklets and some new researches (like Vestnik).

Thank God!